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Top 3 Opposite Worksheets

opposite worksheets - adjectives

Opposite Worksheets

Looking to spice up your lessons on antonyms? Our opposite worksheets are here to save the day! Download them for free and use them in your classes today. No need to ask us for permission.

1. Opposites Game Board

Opposites Game Board

Let’s play the Opposites Board Game! The game starts on the right side of the board game.

Roll the die, move your piece, and write down the words you land on. When you finish, match your words into opposite pairs.

Each pair is worth one point. It’s a race to collect the most opposites. Ready to roll and learn opposites?

2. Opposite Adjectives Word Search Puzzle

Opposite Adjectives Word Search Puzzle

Ready for an “Opposite Word Search” challenge?

Look at the adjectives given at the bottom of the worksheet. Then, hunt for their opposites in the puzzle. If you see “hot”, search for “cold”. 

It’s a fun way to learn opposites, improve spelling, and sharpen your eyes. How many opposite words can you find?

3. Find the Opposites

Opposite Adjective Words Find Opposites

It’s time for the “Spot the Opposites” worksheet! Here’s how it works:

  • Look at each group of 3 words
  • Find the 2 that are complete opposites
  • Circle these antonyms

For example, if you see “black”, “white”, and “gray”, you’d circle “black” and “white”. Go through the whole worksheet, hunting for those contrasting pairs.

Top 3 Opposite Worksheets

Opposite words contrast each other. In other words, they are antonyms of each other.

In this opposite lesson plan, you now have 3 creative ways to teach them.

While they are all challenging, they are fun enough to learn the concepts.

Have you ever taught opposites? What works for you and what doesn’t?

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