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5 Rhyming Worksheets: Can You Guess the Rhyme?

rhyming worksheets

5 Rhyming Worksheets for Similar Sounding Words

Anyone who is learning to speak, read and listen in English knows how important vocabulary and pronunciation can be.

Whether you focus on syllable segmentation or if you target mouth anatomy, this list of rhyming worksheets can help put the concepts into practice.

Besides, how cool would it be if you could rhyme like your favorite musicians or poets? And really, some of the greatest storytellers use rhyming all the time in their books.

So let’s practice with these 5 rhyming worksheets. And all are ready to print and free to use.

1. Pass the Ball

Talking Timebomb Vocabulary Worksheet

In this activity, students have to think of as many rhyming words. First, the teacher starts the music and someone starts with a ball.

When they come up with a word, they pass the ball to another student. This process continues but they can’t repeat something that has already been said.

When the music stops, it’s the end of the game.

2. Rhyme Time

Rhyme Time Worksheet

First, put your students into groups. Next, hand out the Rhyme Time activity sheet. Now, bring out your stopwatch and get your students to think of as many rhymes as possible for each group. Finally, the group with the most rhymes wins.

Your students are poets and they don’t even know it. Review the rhymes and have a classroom discussion on rhymes. For example, when do you hear rhymes? How about in songs poems?

3. Picture Rhymes

Picture Rhymes Worksheet

This is one of the funnest ESL worksheets in here.

If you’re practicing listening and speaking in English, then we all know how important vocabulary and pronunciation can be.

Whether you focus on syllable segmentation or mouth anatomy, this list of rhyming worksheets can help put the concepts into practice.

For the picture rhymes worksheet, each picture is a rhyme. What is it?

4. Roses are Red

Valentines Day

Who knew rhymes could be so much fun? Finish the rhyme from the classic poem “Roses are red, violets are blue…”.

I love Valentine’s day and so will your kids with this ESL activity sheet.

5. Rhyming Word Search

Rhyming Word Search Puzzle

One of the tougher rhyming worksheets, where students have to find rhyming words in the puzzle. We have underlined the rhyming syllable to help find the rhyme word in the word search puzzle.

For example, the “tomorrow” rhymes with “sorrow”. Instead of finding “tomorrow”, you have to find the word “sorrow” in the rhyming worksheet.

Can you find the rhyming words?

In these 5 rhyming worksheets, you’ve learned to match similar-sounding words.

If you can’t think of a word, just make one up as long as it had the rhyme in it.

We’ve found rhyme to work well in Kindergarten classes, but can really with for any age group.

Do you have any rhyming activities? Please let us know with a comment below.

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