Rhyme Time Activity Sheet: Rhymes List Brainstorming

First, put your students into groups. Next, hand out the Rhyme Time activity sheet. Now, bring out your stopwatch and get your students to think of as many rhymes as possible for each group. Finally, the group with the most rhymes wins.
Your students are poets and they don’t even know it. Review the rhymes and have a classroom discussion on rhymes. For example, when do you hear rhymes? How about in songs or poems?
This rhyming time activity sheet is a fun way to reinforce rhyming! It can be used at home or in the classroom.
Rhymes List Example Answers
bee, fee, flea, flee, glee, key, prix, sea, see, she, tea, tee, three, tree, degree, pony
bat, chat, fat, flat, hat, mat, pat, rat, spat, splat, stat, that, combat, format, wombat
bay, clay, day, gay, gray, hay, lay, may, neigh, pay, play, ray, say, sleigh, spray, stray, they, way, delay, buffet, ashtray
boast, coast, ghost, host, post, roast, toast, almost, cohost, outpost, overdose
Related Rhyme Worksheets
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Very useful, thank you.
thank you so much. I like the activity and these are good for my learners