10 Free Geography Worksheets to Explore the World

Geography Worksheets
If you love geography, then you’re going to love these simple and free geography worksheets.
What I love about geography is how it gives you a unique overarching perspective of the world.
For example, you can study anything from traveling, cultures, and Earth science. Indeed, you can piece together the world.
And with this collection of geography worksheets, you can piece together an incredible geography lesson plan.
4. Blank Maps
Add color for each country in this blank South America map. In the legend, match the color with the color you add in the empty map.
Here’s an additional 7 printable blank maps for geography worksheets.
5. Ecosystems Worksheet
Deserts, rainforests, and tundras are types of ecosystems. In this geography activity, you match the word with each type of landscape.
From deserts to tundras, students learn the types of landscapes we have. Can you think of any more types of ecosystems that aren’t in the worksheet?
Geography Worksheets
These free geography worksheets are free to use for your classes.
Now, you can study the world and have fun doing it.
What are some geography activities you like to do in your classroom?
Please let me know by adding a comment below.
Great worksheets for my bilingual class in Germany.
Thank you.