How do you get your students to ask questions? These are the top 10 asking questions worksheets to get your students curious. From game boards to open discussion topics, we have only what’s been tried, tested, and true.
1. Talking Bingo
The purpose of this activity is to find other students who can answer “yes” to the questions in the Bingo sheet. When they answer “yes”, you can mark down an X until it’s complete.
For this quiz show, instead of answering questions, you ask questions. For each category, you pick a number. Behind the card, there is an answer. You have to make a question for that answer.
Sometimes, it’s best just to open the classroom for discussion with free talking topics. You can also cut these topics into separate questions and place them on their desks.
This asking questions worksheet practices “have you ever” questions. After the teacher asks a question in this format, students will run to each side of the room.
In pairs, students roll large and small dice. Each number corresponds to a “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “how” and “have you ever” type of question. Ask the question and earn big points.
Another way to practice questions is through question tags. These types of statements turn statements into questions. They can also add a friendly touch because they show we’re interested in others’ opinions.
Awesome resources, thanks so much!