
Where Questions Worksheet – Household Items

Where Questions Worksheet – Household Items

Students ask each other “where” questions. According to household items, they have to identify where the items are located. For example, where is the car? The car is in the garage.

Metropolis Markdown: How Far You From Each City?

Metropolis Markdown: How Far You From Each City?

Do you know where the largest cities are in the Americas? Write the number for each city in the map. Similar to pin the tail on the donkey (without the blindfold), how close are you to the actual city?

Opposite Adjectives Word Search Puzzle

Opposite Adjectives Word Search Puzzle

In the opposite adjectives word search puzzle, students have to find the opposite word in the puzzle. For example, if the adjective word is “hot”, they will have to search for “cold” and circle it.