Flag Worksheet: Can You Identify the Country Flag?

If you like geography, then you probably would enjoy the flag worksheet. Every country has a flag to proudly represent.
From simple flags like Japan and the United States. All the way to more challenging flags like Cambodia and Swaziland.
Can you identify the flags of the world in the flags quiz? Download it and print it off to test your knowledge.
Flag Worksheet Answers
1. United States
2. Japan
3. Canada
4. Brazil
5. Spain6. South Korea
7. Australia
8. Argentina
9. Cambodia
10. Swaziland
Related Geography Worksheets
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You do have the answers in the article. Do you have a version of the worksheet without the answers printed, in order, right on the paper? So that it can be used with students to see if they know the material?
Right now, answer 1 goes to question 1, 2 to 2, and so on. Students won’t be oblivious to that.
Sorry, this is the only way that I created the spreadsheet.
Is there a worksheet with no answers on it?
I have the answers in the article.