5 Culture Lesson Plans: How to Teach Culture in the Classroom

How do you teach culture in the classroom?
One of the best parts of teaching English abroad is the culture exchange. Let’s not forget that culture exchange is two ways. Not only do your students learn about your culture, but you can learn about theirs.
Here are some ideas for ESL activities you can undertake with your students in these culture lesson plans.
1. Cultural Dictionary
The fine line between cultures across the globe is thinning because of globalization. However, some key cultural differences still remain. What are they?
Culture exchange goes both ways. Not only do your students learn about your culture, but you can learn about theirs. Ask students to write down one culturally significant item about their country and put them all together in a dictionary.
2. Hometown Newspaper
Bring newspapers from your hometown and have your students look through them. How are they different from newspapers in their home country?
From the sports section, which sports are more popular? From the weather section, is it colder or warmer than the average temperatures there? There are endless ESL conversation topics to bring up.
3. Cultural Differences
The fine line between cultures across the globe is thinning because of globalization. However, some key cultural differences still remain. What are they?
For example, how do business people greet in both countries? Is it with a simple handshake or bow? Or maybe both. Compile a list of cultural differences and uncover customs that no longer seem so different.
4. Teacher Quiz
This activity gets your students moving around and is more suitable for children. Around the classroom, tape clues around the class. Students have to walk around and find each clue. Finally, they match answers with clues.
I like to make groups of 2 and appoint one as the secretary and one as the detective. If you want to add an extra challenge set a timer or give prizes to the team that finishes first.
5. Sushi Menu Quiz
If you like eating sushi, then this makes this the #1 choice of all culture worksheets. In this cultural activity, you have to connect the sushi roll with the word.
It’s the classic word association that tests your knowledge of sushi. Can you identify each type of sushi – the popular Japanese cuisine?
Culture Lesson Plans
Learning the different customs in different cultures is extremely rewarding and educational.
These culture lesson plans help foster and embrace culture exchange in the classroom.
Do you have any ideas on how to teach culture in the classroom?
Let us know with a comment below.
Culture Worksheets
Birthday Match
Celebrity Interview
Cultural Dictionary
Cultural Differences
Famous Foreheads
Famous Politicians
Flag Guessing
English Newspaper
Timeless Timelines
Sushi Menu
World Monuments