Numbers Board Game: Practice Counting in this Kids Worksheet
Roll the dice. For each square that you land on, say the number on the square. Finally, take turns with your partner until you reach the end of the board game.
Roll the dice. For each square that you land on, say the number on the square. Finally, take turns with your partner until you reach the end of the board game.
Turn any English movie on mute with no subtitles. In groups of two, have your students re-enact the dialogue like voice-over actors.
Students brainstorm different uses for a “multi-purpose item”. For example, you can use forks to eat food, comb your hair, open cans, mix ingredients and clean pans.
These minimal pairs ESL cards practices pairs of words with similar sounds. Students grab the card they hear as fast as possible. The student with the most cards at the end wins.
In this minimal pairs exercise, the teacher reads each sentence. As the teacher reads, students have to listen carefully and choose the correct minimal pair.
If you’re teaching English, there are some unique sounds that can be hard for cultures to speak. In the minimal pairs pictures activity, students have to circle the word they hear.
Students listen to the teacher’s pronunciation for each minimal pair and adds a check mark for the correct word.
Each student writes down their likes and dislikes. Next, the teacher collects everyone’s answer. After reading everyone’s answer aloud, can you identify who it is?
Shiritori is a popular Japanese game in which players have to think of a word beginning with the final letter of the previous word.
In this ecosystems worksheet, you match the word with each type of landscape. From deserts to tundras, students learn the types of landscapes and ecozones.