5 Feelings and Emotions Worksheets

Get Emotional with these Emotions Worksheets
These worksheets explore a wide range of emotions beyond “sad” and “happy”. Students learn to recognize and describe various feelings through their emotional vocabulary and communication skills.
1. Like or Dislike
In this worksheet, students jot down their likes and dislikes anonymously. The teacher reads these aloud, and classmates guess who wrote each one.
This interactive game adds intrigue, encourages English practice. But best of all, it helps students learn about each other in a fun way.
2. Emotions Match
Students match written emotions with corresponding emoticons. Then, they pick an emoticon that reflects their current mood.
Finally, they brainstorm additional feeling words, expanding their emotional vocabulary. It’s an effective way to help students express themselves more accurately in English.
3. Emotions Spin
Students explore a mega-comprehensive chart of emotions. This dramatically expands their expressive range.
In pairs, they use a spinning pin to randomly select emotions. For each, they discuss personal experiences or hypothetical situations that might evoke that feeling.
This encourages meaningful conversation and empathy. It’s how to deepen emotional intelligence while practicing English in real-world contexts.
4. Your Satisfaction Level
Students explore various levels of satisfaction, from extreme happiness to deep sadness.
They write about situations that trigger these different emotional states, personalizing the vocabulary.
It’s an effective way to practice nuanced emotional language. They can also learn about their own experiences and reactions..
Emotions Worksheets
These emotion-focused worksheets help ESL students express themselves effectively through diverse activities.
They enhance both English proficiency and emotional intelligence. It prepares students for more meaningful interactions in their second language.
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