Einstein’s Riddle: Detective-Style Logic Activity

Einstein’s riddle is a challenging detective-style activity where students have to use logic to solve the nationality, pet, drink, color, and hobby of each homeowner.
It’s believed that at a young age, Albert Einstein created this riddle. Eventually, it made its way as a head-scratcher activity that even challenges your brightest students.
Because of its difficulty, we have provided answers to Einstein’s riddle below. But if you’re brave enough, you can give it a shot with just the clues.
Einstein’s Riddle Questions
1. The British man lives in the red house.
2. The Swedish man keeps dogs as pets.
3. The Danish man drinks tea.
4. The German plays soccer.
5. The green house’s owner drinks coffee.
6. The owner who plays baseball has birds.
7. The owner who plays basketball lives next to the one who keeps cats.
8. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
9. The owner who plays the violin drinks beer.
10. The owner of the yellow house plays the piano.
11. The owner living in the center house drinks milk.
12. The owner who keeps the horse lives next to the one who plays the piano.
13. The green house is on the immediate left of the white house.
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The owner who plays basketball lives next to the one who drinks water.
Einstein’s Riddle Answers
1. Norwegian, Yellow, Cat, Water, Piano
2. Danish, Blue, Horse, Tea, Basketball
3. British, Red, Birds, Milk, Baseball
4. German, Green, Fish, Coffee, Soccer
5. Swedish, White, Dogs, Beer, Violin
Related Einstein Riddle Worksheets
If you need more Einstein’s Riddle-type of worksheets, see our free printable activity sheets below.
Hello. There is no mention of a fish in your clues? Did I miss something, is there a hidden message, or is there a missing clue?
This was a lot of fun to figure out and see how different students deduced the answers using different strategies. We just ended up that the German had no pet with the 15 clues given.
I loved it
Umm, excuse me, sir. (hand raised) they all drink water. So I’m gonna stick to that. Not sure if the relevancy pertains to this or not but thought I should announce that there. Sorry, continue.
I’ve loved this riddle since the first time I worked through it back in 20.
Interesting thing is that it can be worked out to give the same answer even if you consider the condition “the green house is on the immediate left of the white house” to mean that for someone inside the white, the green house is on its left side.
The change in viewpoint, observer or resident doesn’t take the pond of fish from the german.
However it does give the swede the green house; how environmentally friendly of them. Unfortunately for the germans, there goes their beer too. Coffee will do I guess, the no intoxicating hot stuff.
If you are to consider the alternative viewpoint, like the brit, please be advised to remain as impartial as can be. Or is it the indecision of the unlikely baseball player.
I’ve loved this riddle since the first time I worked through it back in 2014. Today i went back to it again, iw as bored and didn’t remember who the fisherman was. Maybe I hadn’t managed to figure it out then. In any case today I did, talk about a second look.
1920? 🤔
But it say that the owner who plays basketball lives next to the one who keeps the cat???
Who stole the fish from city of museum?
The German stole the fish from city of museum.
Can you help explain how you got the answer by using the clues?
You have to start with the easiest clues and filling in the clear answers that are available. Then, you have to start using logic to solve the rest (through the clues as well).