Home » Worksheets » Board Games » Snakes and Ladders Board Game: Free and Printable Worksheet

Snakes and Ladders Board Game: Free and Printable Worksheet

If you want to practice numbers, print out this snakes and ladders board game! All it requires is a dice and game board worksheet.

If you land on the bottom of a ladder, you climb up to that square. But if you land on the head of a snake you slide down!

You start at the bottom, and you want to try to go all the way to the top.

Overall, the winner is the first one to make it to the top of the game board.


  1. All the games proposed are interesting in the sense that they put learners in a relaxed learning environment. However, it seems a bit challenging to practise them without prior demonstrations. It would be better to accompany the videos with explanations as in Bill Lindsay’s classes or BBC Learning English.

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