Transition Words: How to Link Sentences Together

What are Transition Words?
Transition words are like the glue that connects two separate ideas together. For example, here are two sentences without a transition word.
We were supposed to play baseball. It rained all day.
These two sentences make more sense when you add a transition word. In particular, we can create a relationship between them by connecting with the transition word “but”.
We were supposed to play baseball but it rained all day.
Now that we have formed the link between playing baseball and the weather, the sentence makes sense.
Overall, transition words help your readers progress from one thought to another helping them connect one thought with another.
Transition Word Examples
You can use different types of transition words and link sentences together. Each type of transition word conveys different relationships between the two ideas.
We didn’t play baseball because it rained all day.
In our previous example, the transition word ‘but’ is a ‘conflict’ type of transition word. We can change the above sentence using a ’cause and effect’ type of transition word:
In both cases, transition words glue the two separate sentences together.
1. Transition words that give cause and effect
This type of transition word is for causation, denoting the relationship between two events. So when one thing happens, you can expect another event to occur.
- because
- so
- therefore
- for this reason
- due to
- consequently
- as a result
- since
- unless
- if
- given that
- hence
2. Transition words that conclude a statement
Generally, you find these transitions at the end of a paragraph or essay. When you want to conclude a statement, these are the types of transition words you can add.
- overall
- all things considered
- in summary
- ultimately
- in conclusion
- after all
- without a doubt
- in essence
- in fact
- with this in mind
- indeed
- therefore
- accordingly
- in short
- for this reason
3. Transition words that give examples
Whenever you want to give a list of examples, then these are the types of transition words you can use in your text. Adding examples are practical ways to clarify a statement using ways to clarify situations.
- for example
- in other words
- to clarify
- in particular
- notably
- for instance
- to illustrate
- as you can see
- specifically
- as proof
4. Transition words that contradict separate thoughts
When you have two separate thoughts that are contradictory, you can select one of these transition words.
- however
- despite
- but
- while
- either way
- regardless
- whereas
- otherwise
- even though
- although
- yet
- on the other hand
- albeit
- in contrast
- nevertheless
5. Transition words that add information
If you want to connect two ideas together by adding additional information, then you can use any of these transition words below.
- similarly
- likewise
- in addition
- in fact
- moreover
- additionally
- also
- besides
- admittedly
- in general
- typically
- certainly
- no doubt
- for the most part
- furthermore
- certainly
6. Transition words that show time
Finally, these are the transition words that are good at showing time or sequences of events. For example, you can use these types of transition words when following a recipe because you complete each step in order.
- finally
- furthermore
- eventually
- first, second, third
- all of a sudden
- lastly
- before
- meanwhile
- from this point
- gradually
- then
- as long as
- until now
- afterward
How are transition words different from conjunctions? Transition words show shifts between ideas, while conjunctions connect elements within sentences.
What about words that give credit like according to… what list do they fall under?
I think the titles to the boxes of phrases for type 2 and 3 are switched. Otherwise, it was very helpful.